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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 6

Year 6 Ancient Greece Homework Project (due in Wednesday 13th February)


It is your challenge to choose one of the following to complete and hand in by Wednesday 13th February.

  1. Where in the world was Ancient Greece?

Draw a map, label the seas surrounding Greece and include the cities of Sparta and Athens

  1. Create a leaflet for the Greek Tourist board

Create a leaflet for people visiting Greece including important information- Where is it? What is the weather like? What is the currency like? What is the language? etc.

  1. Write out the Ancient Greek alphabet.

Research the Ancient Greek alphabet then choose five English words and write them in Ancient Greek

  1. Find out about the Greek language.

Find out how to say these words in Greek: hello, goodbye, please, thank you. Record your findings in a table showing the Greek and English words Find out some simple Greek phrases. eg What’s your name?  Make a poster to display them in Greek & English?

  1. Find out about the clothes Ancient Greeks wore.

 Draw and label a picture showing a typical Ancient Greek outfit.

  1. What food was popular in Ancient Greece?

 Design a menu with popular foods.

  1. Find out what it was like for slaves in Ancient Greece.

 Imagine you are a slave and write a diary entry describing your day/week.



  1. Create a fact sheet about Ancient Greek homes.

You could include floor plans, drawings and comparisons between the homes of the rich and poor.

  1. What was invented in Ancient Greek times?

Make a fact sheet or information poster.

  1. Greek Gods

Find out about Greek Gods or

Invent your own Greek god .(Draw them and then write a description of their powers, appearance and what they were in charge of e.g. the god of thunder).

  1. Greek Theatre

Ancient Greeks loved the theatre. Write a play to perform to the class. You could take photographs of yourself acting it out at home.

  1. Find out about Archimedes.

Design a comic strip retelling Archimedes’ famous bath or

Find out as much as you can about Archimedes life and use this information to write a short biography of him.

  1. Greek myths

Greek myths are often based on a long and dangerous journey, a quest or a series of trials for the hero. The plot usually includes incredible or miraculous events, where characters behave in superhuman ways using unusual powers or with the help of superhuman beings. There are many well-known Greek myths such as, King Midas, The Labours of Herakles, Daedalus and Icarus, Theseus and the Minotaur, Orpheus and Eurydice. Use your imagination to write a story full of adventures, monsters, heroes and gods.


Produce an illustrated summary of one of the well-known myths above.


Ancient Greek maths

- What system was used? Do we still use any of it today?



Use your imagination, organisational skills and have fun! Your homework will go on display as we turn our classroom into an Ancient Greece information hub. We can’t wait to see what you do.


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