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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Y5 8.11.19

This week we have linked our Literacy Unit to Remembrance Day. We have studied the famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae, and thought about Coventry Cathedral in our whole-school worship and RE lesson.

We have also learnt about some fantastic new vocabulary in relation to our oil pastel work – scumbling and sgraffito!

There is a trip letter coming home in your child’s book bag today about a visit to Limewood next Tuesday morning. Please read, and sign and return the slip and photographic consent form by Monday to the office or Mrs Edwards please.


In science today we have been busy recapping our scientific knowledge about light and how we are able to see objects. We experimented with torches and solid objects to prove that light travels in a straight line.


Have a lovely weekend,

Y5 team