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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2

Year 2 - 24.01.2020 

This week in English we have written letters from the Giant to Jim. The children have worked incredibly hard to try and include some of the things we have been learning about in year 2. For example: conjunctions, expanded noun phrases, adverbs and different suffixes. They did a great job.

In maths we have been adding 3 single digit numbers.  We have worked on identifying number bonds to 10 to help us solve the problem in a more fluent way. We have also been using our knowledge of doubling in some cases (6 + 6 + 4=). We have been recording how we worked out the answer by using a number line and have explained why we added the numbers in a certain order. If your child would like to build their confidence of number bonds/doubling/halving, there are some games on the following website: The more fluent the children are with these things, the easier maths becomes for them.

Don’t forget, there is the PTA pet show at the village hall on Sunday 26th January.  A leaflet with more information has been attached to this week’s newsletter email. The PTA are also raising money via a bag2school collection. All children came home with a bag earlier in the week and there are more available at school if you need extra! Please fill with items listed on the newsletter and return by next Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Blick