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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

End of week - Friday 10th July

Happy Friday Everyone!

We've made it to another Friday, the end of another week, as we creep ever closer to the summer holidays! The sun is shining for the weekend, too.

I hope you've all enjoyed our minibeast week, finding out about creepy crawlies and trying to overcome fears of spiders! The children in school have all been looking carefully for any sign of our butterflies. We're just hoping they emerge from their cocoons when we're there to witness it.

I hope you've all managed to pick up your reports, they are available from the school office if you haven't.

For the children in school - please bring in any reading books and ditty books you have and drop them in the box at drop-off or pick-up. Many thanks to the parents who have already brought books back. For the children at home, I will arrange for collection at the end of the week, when you will also be able to pick up all of your child's work and their shoe boxes.

Have a great weekend,

The Year R Team