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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2 - Home Learning

Year 2 - Home Learning 17.07.2020

Good afternoon 

I hope you have all enjoyed the sunny afternoon :-) Please see below the home learning for tomorrow. 

Have a great day. 

Subject Area

Time Allocated


Mental Maths  

15 mins

74 + 17 =

36 - 17 =

90 ÷ 10 = 

¼ of 8 =

2/4 of 16 =

¾ of 20 =

Practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on hit the button:

and count in 3s from zero.



45 mins

L.O: To compare durations of time.

Please complete the attached tasks. Here is a video to help you:



15 mins

Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.

Continue to work through the year 2 common exception words. Make a note of the ones you find tricky to spell and practise these.



15 mins

Read your reading book (or one from Oxford Owl).  Re-read any parts that don’t quite make sense.



30 mins

L.O: To write a letter.

Use your plan from yesterday to write your letter to a friend from Zahra. You could also include a picture of what happened too J I would love to see some of your letters, please do send them through to me.



30 mins

Joe Wicks:



Golden Time  

30 mins

Please enjoy some relaxing time! You could take part in some reading or colouring. You might choose to play your favourite game or learn a new skill. However you choose to spend it, enjoy J.