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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday blog - Friday 18th February 

Good morning everyone.

We've made it to half term! A milestone for everyone as it means the children are half way through their Year R experience! We have all been quite tried this week after a 7 week half term and are certainly ready for the break.

We've squeezed a lot into this week too. On Monday Mr Littlewood and I took half the class up to the station to plant some spring flowers in the train planter on platform 3. The planter looks fantastic, we must have green fingers!  I will take the other half of the children later in the year when we need to rejuvenate the pots with summer plants.

On Wednesday we took part in the annual Brockenhurst Danceathon, held remotely this year. We were the first class to take to the dance floor and the children did a fantastic job at showing everyone their funky moves. The children were thrilled by the cheers and applause from the KS2 classes as we walked back to class. Back in the classroom we were able to watch the other year groups perform, which the children loved, particularly those who could spot older siblings.

It was lovely to catch up with you all for parents' evening this week and share your children's successes. Helen and I are very proud of all the children's achievements so far.

We wish you all a happy half term. Stay safe in the storm, too.

The Year R Team