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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 24th March

Good afternoon everyone,

We had a great end to the week with our visit to St Saviours this morning for the Little Flames service. It was lovely that so many of you could join us. It was quite nice and calm as it was just us there. The children listened carefully to the story and joined in with their usual enthusiasm for the songs. They've all come home with a palm cross for Palm Sunday. Badger Class were beautifully behaved as always. It is a pleasure to take them out!

Back in the classroom we have been enjoying stories by Vivian French about a little boy called Oliver, who doesn't like vegetables or fruit, but ends up trying and enjoying quite a lot of them! The children have told me all their likes and dislikes about fruit and vegetables too.

There is a whole school art competition to complete an Easter bunny picture on a decorated background. I couldn't believe how well the children concentrated on this activity, they really tried their best. The finished results look amazing!

Just a couple of reminders:

You will be able to visit the book fair with the children after school on Monday. It is in our classroom. The children will have a look during the day so might have a shopping list ready for you!

We are hoping to plant an Easter Garden next week. Any plant donations gratefully received. 

Please have a look at home for any library books - some of the children's tickets are full which means they have 2 books at home. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

The Year R Team