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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 16th June

Good afternoon everyone,

What a hot week it has been! We have tried our best to keep ourselves hydrated this week, making sure we have all drank lots of water.

The caterpillars have got bigger and bigger this week. The children came in this morning to find some caterpillars hanging from the lids and now some have formed into a cocoon. We are very excited to see what happens next.

Some of the children have been making bags with me. This is always a popular activity in the creative area, where they use paper or card to make handbags and rucksacks. I had promised them that we could have a go making them with fabric. We have used real needles to sew our fabric pieces together and are currently adding handles. Next week we plan to add decorations. I was very impressed by the children's resilience at learning a new skill - they kept trying, despite a few pricked fingers.

We are looking forward to our whole school walk next week. If any parents are available to help, please let me know.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year R Team