Year R - Nativity
Monday 4th December 2023
Good afternoon,
Apologies for the late blog post.
The children loved their bike ability lessons last week and it was lovely to see their confidence grow throughout the week.
I just wanted to update you on this week’s arrangements for the Nativity.
Firstly, thank you so much for providing all of the fantastic costumes!
Tomorrow is our dress rehearsal so we will be spending most of tomorrow morning down at the church. We will then come back for lunch.
The performance starts tomorrow at 2:15pm. After the performance, you will be able to collect your child and take them home with you from there. Please ensure that you have informed me and signed the register before you take them. Please don’t just take them as it gets very busy and we need to know where all of the children are!
If your child is booked on to after school club or you are not able to attend the Nativity, we will take them back to school with us and dismiss them as normal.
Any questions, let me know.
Thank you.
Miss Prichard