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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday 1st March 2023

What a great week in Badger class.

We have been reading the book ‘Oi Frog’ and we have really enjoyed all of the activities that have linked to this book.

It has really helped us with learning to rhyme and understanding the rules of rhyming. We have made our own fantastic stories which are absolutely amazing and the children should be so proud of themselves. They have worked so hard on them. I have sent these home today as they are just too good to not share with you!

We have also enjoyed making some puppets and face masks of the characters in the story to help us with our retelling.

Today, we have been learning about St David’s Day. We have made some lovely daffodil collages and Miss Shephard taught us ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ in Welsh!

Preparations for our Easter church service are in full swing, we are learning two new Easter songs to sing. This has inspired us to be busy in the creative area making lots of eggs and chicks!

In Badger class this week, we have been having lots of conversations around how important it is to use kind words, in the classroom and out on the playground. Lots of children have been earning stickers for being kind and this has been lovely to see. It would be hugely appreciated if this conversation can be reinforced at home, thank you for your support with this.

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Prichard