Year R

Friday 28th June 2024
It has been a week of excitement with the arrival of 10 new butterflies! It has been lovely to observe the changes over the last couple of weeks and the children have been fascinated watching them hatch into butterflies. This afternoon, we went out on to the field and set some of them free into nature. The children loved watching them fly off and waving to them as they flew away. We are looking forward to seeing if any more hatch over the weekend!
If possible, please could your child bring in an item of recycling for a project on Monday. Any cardboard, plastic or glass jars is perfect. Thank you.
Outstanding library books:
If you have a library book at home, please could you return it to school next week. By Friday 5th July, we will be collecting all library books in for over the summer. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Prichard