Year 1 - 23.11.18

Year 1 Blog Post
This week in maths we have been looking at fractions and trying to understand 1/2. We have investigated folding paper and are starting to think about sharing objects between 2 people.
In English we have started our new topic; 'Lily and the Snowman'. It is a beautiful film clip featuring two characters. We have been looking at these characters this week and describing them.
We had a wonderful day on Thursday finding out more about WW1. The children spent time in a range of different classes completing different art activities linked to poppies. The results are wonderful.
You should hopefully have had a letter home in book bags this week about the part that your child / children will be playing in the Nativity. There were also ideas about costumes. We can't wait to see what everyone looks like wearing them!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Year 1 Team.