Year 1 - Week 1
Year 1 Blog Post
Happy New Year!
This week in Year 1 we have ventured into the unknown; we are now space explorers!
In English this week we have found out about Bob, who works on the moon. We have asked him questions and written them down with a question mark at the end. We explored the moon and then wrote a postcard to describe what we saw.
In maths we have been counting in tens. We are really good at counting in tens from one and we are starting to think about how we can count up from different numbers. To help us with this, we have looked at tens and ones in 2 digit numbers. To help with this at home, you might like to ask how many tens and ones in any 2 digit number.
New spellings should be in book bags tonight. As they have come home later this week, we will not test the children on them until Thursday every week. Please can you make sure that red spelling books come into school every Thursday so that we can send home the new spellings before the weekend.
Many thanks and have a lovely weekend.
Year 1 Team