Year 1 Blog 8.2.19

Year 1 Blog
This week in maths we have been looking at number bonds to 10 and 20. We have used them to help us solve problems as well as add and subtract. We then moved on to counting up and back in 2's from any number. To help your child at home, count in 2's as much as possible, especially backwards. As a real challenge, you could start on an odd number.
In English this week we have been planning and writing an alien story based on our class book. We have used some lovely description and are becoming more confident writing in sentences that have a full stop and capital letter. To help your child at home, keep trying to use small joined up writing that has clear finger spaces between words. Focus on those letters that drop below the line and those that stand tall.
Please make sure that you take the time to go through the number fluency cards that came home a while ago and spellings. We will be going over the same spellings over the next few weeks as we are not completely secure at the moment.
Have a lovely weekend and try to stay dry.
Year 1 Team.