Year 1 Blog Post 13/9/19
Year 1 Blog Post
This week in maths we have been looking at numbers up to 20. We have been doing a lot of counting and have investigated 1 more than and 1 less than.
In English we have been learning all about the Three Little Pigs. We have spent some time looking at the character of the Wolf, describing him using sentences with full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.
In other news, we found a pirate clue in the classroom today and went on a treasure hunt around the school to find all the things that a pirate needs.
We have been working really hard this week, making sure that we have listened to every child read and assessed where they need to be in the reading scheme. The aim was to get the books out by today, but unfortunately these things always take longer than you think they will. We aim to have them in book bags during the first few days next week. Look out for a blog post explaining all when they go out.
Have a lovely weekend and make sure you enjoy the sun.
Year 1 Team