Year 1 Blog 20/9/19
Year 1 Blog
This week in maths we have been looking at 'more than' and 'less than'. We have been investigating what numbers mean and have been counting items to explore this further.
In English we have been focusing on sentences. We have unscrambled sentences and written some of our own. To help with this at home, you may like to write sentences together, making sure that they start with a capital letter, have finger spaces between each word and end with a full stop. We have also been focusing heavily on handwriting this week. We are trying to make sure that our letters get smaller and that we are using joined up handwriting.
Every child who brought their reading record into school today now has their Mathletics and Spelling Shed login details. We will be using these for home learning from next week (maths and spellings). This will go out on a Wednesday and is due in the Following Wednesday.
Please could I ask that all reading records are in school on Monday so that we can give out the rest of the log in details. It will also give us a chance to change the reading books after the weekend.
Many thanks and enjoy the lovely weather.
Year 1 Team