Year 1 Blog 8/11/19

Year 1 Blog
This week in maths we have been looking at money. We have investigated the different coins, putting them in order and matching them to other coins of the same value.
In English we have started our new class book! We are reading the story of the Queen's Hat. We have followed it as it flew around London and had lots of fun in drama acting out the different words to describe how the hat moved.
As the weather is getting colder, can we please ask that all children bring a coat into school. We try and get out as much as possible, so coats are a must.
Look out in book bags tonight for the Nativity parts!! Some of the class have been chosen to say a line, which you will find enclosed in your pack. These need to be learnt as soon as possible so that we can start rehearsing. Everyone will join in with certain lines and all will take part in the songs, so there will be plenty of photo opportunities!
Have a wonderful weekend!