Year 1
Year 1 - 17.01.2020
What a couple of fantastic weeks we’ve had! We are all getting to know one another and are settling in well.
The children have been absolutely superb in phonics, really showing off their skills and are enjoying the challenge of new sounds. Throughout the day they have the opportunity to share their new sound with adults.
Last week we visited the moon and met a very special astronaut called Bob. We had a great time searching for aliens and collecting moon rocks. Ask us about our adventure! In our writing this week, we have created our own marvellous aliens, thinking carefully about what they look like before describing them to a partner.
Lastly, in maths this week we have been consolidating our knowledge of time and number bonds up to 20. The children have been working well in teams and are persevering in their work. They have all been very hands on and we even got to use some paint, which was very exciting!
On Monday you will receive a letter about an upcoming Art trip that will take place on Thursday 13th February, so keep an eye out for the letter.
We hope you have a good weekend.
Miss Murphy