Year 1
Monday 27th April
Good Morning Everyone.
I hope you have all had a lovely, restful weekend and are ready for the week ahead.
Here is today's learning.
Miss Murphy
Subject Area |
Time |
Instructions |
Phonics Play |
15 mins |
Complete the phonics sheet. Then go onto Phonics play - phase 4 – choose a game you would like to try (we have played buried treasure in class). Read the word out loud, break it down and blend as needed. |
Handwriting |
10 mins |
For your handwriting today, I would like you to do two lines of: Capitals R, S, T Then using your HFW booklet, copy out the next 4 words. As a challenge, write each of these words into a simple sentence. |
30 mins |
Today, you will be looking a comprehension about Seren’s Seasons. This text should be familiar as we used it in Geography last week. As you read through, underline any unknown words and go through these before answering any questions. When you are marking, if there are any that are incorrect, go through the text together and see whether they are able to find the answer with some extra support. |
Mental Maths |
10 mins |
Go through the task about time. You can complete this activity through discussion, or you can write or print off the sheet and complete it physically. |
Maths lesson |
30 mins |
Go to Week 2 Lesson 2 – Count in 10s
Watch the video and answer the questions as they come up. Like before you may need to watch the video more than once to support. – song counting in 10s.
Complete the attached task. The answers are also attached.
Quick Maths round |
10-15 mins |
Play hit the button Doubles – Doubles to 10. Can you beat your score? |
Art |
40 mins |
I want you to draw a picture today of a beach. Have a look at some pictures of different types of beaches before you draw. What would you want to see on the beach? What sort of colours would there be? Can you label some of the features you have included? Try not to only draw sand and water, think about what you would see on a beach or what you would take with you. |
PE |
30 mins |
PE with Joe Wicks. |