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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 1

Thursday 30th April


What a grey week we are having.  We were very glad that it was dry for us yesterday afternoon so we could play tennis together.  I hope you managed to get out for some fresh air too.

Here is today's learning - have a good day!

Miss Murphy

Subject Area




15 mins

Complete your phonics task.

Then go to phonics play - phase 5 – choose a game you would like to try (we have played buried treasure in class).

Read the word out loud, break it down and blend as needed. 


10 mins

Have a look through the fine motor skills ideas.  Choose one or two to try today.  These are brilliant to build up strength in the hands.


40 mins

See attached task.


10 mins

Read your own book and retell the story to an adult.  If you need new books, you can access e-books on  You can sign up for free and access age appropriate texts.

Mental Maths

10 mins

Go through the questions, how many can you do in 10 minutes?

Maths lesson

30 mins

Go to

Week 2 Lesson 4 – Adding equal groups.


Watch the video and answer the questions as they come up, pausing the video and using equipment to answer as needed.  Like before you may need to watch the video more than once to support.


Complete the attached task.  The answers are also attached.

I have also included some challenge cards if you would like some extra maths.

Quick Maths round

10-15 mins

Play hit the button

Number bonds – addition to 10.

Can you beat your score?


30 mins

Today I would like you to look at different flowers.  Think about ones that you particularly like the look of – it may be the colour or shape that you like. 

I would like you to draw the flower carefully, try and include as much detail as you can.  Take your time and try to make it a good size – not too small and no colours today.


30 mins

PE with Joe Wicks.