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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 1

Wednesday 13th May

Bore da pawb!

Hopefully you all had a great day yesterday and got outside to enjoy that sunny weather.  

Here is today's learning - have a good day!

Miss Murphy





15 mins

Complete your phonics task.

Then go to phonics play – choose a game you would like to try (we have played buried treasure in class).

Read the word out loud, break it down and blend as needed. 


10 mins

Start with some finger fitness exercise dances – some of it is a little tricky but see how much you can do.


Then see the attached sheets.  Take your time with the three sentences as you copy them out into your handwriting book, or your home learning book.


30 mins

See attached sheet.  Take your time with the writing and try and use your best handwriting.


10 mins

Read your own book and retell the story to an adult.  If you need new books, you can access e-books on  You can sign up for free and access age appropriate texts.

Mental Maths

10 mins

Complete the mental maths questions.

Maths lesson

30 mins

Watch through the video from yesterday again – Summer 1 Week 1, Lesson 2.

‘Find a half’.


Start with the four questions, pause the video and see how many you can work out. 

Pause the video when asked a question to have time to discuss.

Quick Maths round

10-15 mins

Play hit the button

Number bonds – addition within 20.

Can you beat your score?


30 mins

Have a look at the attached activities – you can choose which ones you would like to complete.  I have set the art for today and tomorrow.


30 mins

PE with Joe Wicks.