Year 1 Home Learning

Tuesday 16th June 2020
Buongiorno a tutti!
It is great to see the sun shining again today, I hope you are all able to get out and enjoy it todya.
Here is today's learning - Vi auguro una buona giornata!
Miss Murphy
Subject |
Time |
Instructions |
Phonics |
15 mins |
Complete the attached task. Then go to phonics play – choose your phase and game you would like to try. Read the word out loud, break it down and blend as needed. |
Handwriting |
15 mins |
Start with some finger fitness exercise dances – some of it is a little tricky but see how much you can do.
Then see the attached sheets. Take your time with the words and sentences as you complete the sheet or copy them into your book. |
English |
45 mins |
See attached PowerPoint for today’s task. |
Spelling |
15 mins |
Look through the Spelling PowerPoint and then complete today’s task - spot the 'au'. |
Reading |
10 mins |
Read your own book and retell the story to an adult. If you need new books, you can access e-books on You can sign up for free and access age appropriate texts. |
Mental Maths |
10 mins |
Complete the mental maths questions. |
Maths lesson |
30 mins |
Watch through the video– Summer 1 Week 4, Lesson 3. ‘Add and subtract worded problems.’
Watch the video together, pause and answer any questions as they arise. Then have a go at the sheet. |
Quick Maths round |
10-15 mins |
Play hit the button Number bonds Can you beat your score? |
Music |
30 mins |
Go to BBC Bitesize and today we will be learning about singing and how we can use our voices creatively.
PE |
30 mins |
PE with Joe Wicks. |