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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 1 Home Learning

Wednesday 15th July 2020

Sanibonani nonke ekuseni!

Here is today's learning - ube nosuku oluhle!

Miss Murphy





15 mins

Today I would like you to spend the session on phonics play.  Focus on your speed sounds and blending accurately. 

Try the ‘Flash Cards time challenge’ – how many can you say out loud correctly in one minute?  How about two minutes?  Make sure to say the sounds out loud.

You could also try ‘Rocket Rescue’. 


40 mins

See attached sheet for today’s task. 


15 mins

Go onto Spelling Shed and complete set activities.


10 mins

Read your own book and retell the story to an adult.  If you need new books, you can access e-books on  You can sign up for free and access age appropriate texts.

Mental Maths

15 mins

Go onto Mathletics and complete set tasks.

Maths lesson

30 mins

Watch through the video– Week 9 – Lesson 3.

 ‘Comparing numbers.’

Watch the video together, pause and answer any questions as they arise.  Then have a go at the sheet.  If you are feeling confident, why not have a try at the maths challenges.

Quick Maths round

15 mins

Play hit the button

Can you beat your score?


40 mins

See attached PowerPoint and tasks.