Year 1 Home Learning

Thursday 16th July 2020
Madainn mhath a h-uile duine!
Here is today's learning - latha sgoinneil!
Miss Murphy
Subject |
Time |
Instructions |
Phonics |
15 mins |
See attached PowerPoint for today’s task. |
Handwriting |
10 mins |
For the next two days, you are going to choose 6 spellings which you still need to practise. I would like you to write a line of each spelling. Then put the word into a sentence, remembering to form and join your letters carefully. Repeat this for all 6 spellings. I have attached blank handwriting sheets for those who need it. |
Spelling |
15 mins |
Go onto Spelling Shed and complete set tasks. |
English |
40 mins |
See attached sheet for today’s task. |
Reading |
10 mins |
Read your own book and retell the story to an adult. If you need new books, you can access e-books on You can sign up for free and access age appropriate texts. |
Mental Maths |
10 mins |
Complete set tasks on Mathletics. If you have finished the set tasks, go onto TopMarks and choose a game you would like to play. |
Maths lesson |
30 mins |
Watch through the video– Week 9 – Lesson 4. ‘Comparing numbers (2)’. Watch the video together, pause and answer any questions as they arise. Then have a go at the sheet. |
Music |
30 mins |
Go through the PowerPoint and listen to the piece of music on YouTube: There is a sheet attached which you can fill in as you listen. |
Sports Day activity |
See attached sheet for activity. |