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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 1 Home Learning

Friday 17th July 2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have all had a good week so far.  One more day of learning and then it's the weekend!

Here is today's learning - have a great day!

Miss Murphy





15 mins

See attached PowerPoint for today’s task.


15 mins

For the next two days, you are going to choose 6 spellings which you still need to practise.  I would like you to write a line of each spelling.  Then put the word into a sentence, remembering to form and join your letters carefully.  Repeat this for all 6 spellings.  I have attached blank handwriting sheets for those who need it.


40 mins

See attached sheet for today’s task. 


10 mins

Read your own book and retell the story to an adult.  If you need new books, you can access e-books on  You can sign up for free and access age appropriate texts.

Mental Maths

10 mins

Complete the mental maths questions.

Maths lesson

30 mins

Watch through the video– Week 10 – Lesson 1.

‘Ordering numbers’

Watch the video together, pause and answer any questions as they arise.  Then have a go at the sheet. 

Quick Maths round

10 mins

Play hit the button

Can you beat your score?

Golden Time

30 mins

Choose something fun to do.  In our bubble we have been enjoying learning some dances (all can be accessed on Youtube).

Our favourites include:

Just dance Animals,

Gummy bear dance,

If animals danced,

Dinosaur stomp