Year 1
Year 1 6/11/2020
Hello everyone!
It has been a great first week back! This week in English we have started our new learning journey. We have been looking at the film clip ‘Lily and the Snowman’. We have written down our thoughts on the clip so far including what we like and what we don’t like about it. The children have then sequenced the film clips. Today we finished the week by thinking of words we could use to describe the snowman!
In Maths this week, we have been looking at money! We have looked at all of the different coins we have. It would be really useful if you could show your children some coins at home so they can get used to them.
In Art this week we have created some brilliant firework drawings using pastels! The children all had great fun deciding what colours to use.
Thank you to everyone for making sure that all the children have coats in school. We are continuing to get outside as much as possible so the coats and warm kit have been great!
Just a quick note, the children have all been reminded today that when they are sent home to their parents at the end of the day that they do not come back into school.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss McKay