Friday 4th March

Year 1 Friday Blog
Dear Parents,
What a lovely way to end the first week back after half-term with a very sunny afternoon! The children have absolutely loved World Book Day today. They all looked fantastic in their costumes, so thank you very much for all your efforts. The children had great fun on their scavenger hunt with the Year 5 children and all managed to crack the code of ‘we love books!’, we have explored our new book ‘Man on the Moon’ and this afternoon the children have made bookmarks, designed a front cover for a book or drawn a picture of their favourite character.
We have started learning about our new book this week ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram. The children are really engaging with this book and have asked questions about the book, predicted what might happen in the story and thought about how Bob felt at different times in the book. Also, the children have learnt how to use contractions, changing two words like ‘did not’ to one word ‘didn’t’.
The children have loved our maths learning this week all about 2D shapes. They could recognise the different 2D shapes and talk about their properties. They then learnt how to recognise and find half and a quarter of different shapes.
Linking to our story in English, the children are going to be learning all about the moon landing in History. The children found out about Neil Armstrong this week and found out what happened on his journey to the moon.
The children had a session of cricket with Coach Ryan this week which they really enjoyed. They are going to be doing this outside so if you would like to bring in leggings/joggers or a jumper to put into their P.E kit to keep them warmer then please send them in on Monday.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team