Friday 25th March
Year 1 Friday Blog
Dear Parents,
What a lovely sunny week it has been! The children have all been enjoying their playtimes on the playground in the sunshine.
This week we have been looking at place value with numbers up to 100. We have learnt to read the numbers and partition them into tens and ones. We have used this knowledge to order numbers and identify one more or one less than a given number. We have been practising counting backwards from 50.
We read the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ in English. The children discussed the story and sequenced the events. We looked at the character of the Gruffalo and used adjectives to describe what he looked like and what he was like in the inside. We then used these to make a Wanted Poster!
This week we have looked at signs of New Life and the Easter Beginning. We went for a walk and used our senses to identify signs of new life.
Guided Reading
The children enjoyed listening to the story ‘Back to Earth with a Bump’. After we had read the story we discussed the parts of the story we enjoyed and used our knowledge of the story to answer questions about what happened.
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
The Year 1 Team