Year 1
Friday 25th November 2022
Thank you Koalas for another wonderful week!
Our Christmas nativity is going well. The children have been working really hard with learning the songs and their lines. Thank you to everyone who has brought in their costumes. Our first dress rehearsal will be on Wednesday.
In English, we have enjoyed writing about our favourite toys this week. We are now reading ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ and we have spent this week making predictions and writing about our likes and dislikes.
This leads on very nicely to our history topic about toys from the past. We have had some brilliant conversations about the similarities and differences between toys now and toys from the past. We have also discussed why there may be differences and what has changed between now and then.
In maths, the children have started to use Dienes to represent tens and ones. We are using these to solve ordering, counting, addition and subtracting problems.
Today, we have had a wonderful day focusing on our DT project of ‘sliders and levers’. We have been planning ‘exciting Christmas cards which move’ and we have spent today making these. We have had a great day and I know the children can’t wait to bring these home to show you!
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Prichard and Mrs Kitcher.