Year 1

Friday 20th January 2023
We have had a great week in Year 1.
In maths, we have been representing teen numbers with dienes and using our knowledge of tens and ones to solve problems.
The children have really enjoyed Guided Reading with Miss Woodford this week. They have been reading ‘The Koala who Could’ and focusing on making inferences and predictions about the book. Today Koalas learnt the word ‘onomatopoeia’ and tried to spot all of the sound words in the book.
In English, we have been working extremely hard to write our non-chronological reports about animals. We did our research on the chrome books and in non-fiction books on Monday and the children found out some really interesting facts. We have then started to write about where they live, what they eat and what they look like. Next week, we are excited to write them up and publish it into our very own Year 1 non-fiction book! Well done Year 1, I am very proud of what you have achieved.
In PE, we are enjoying our unit on dance. We are making different shapes, independently and with partners, and putting them into a sequence.
You have all been absolute superstars this week, well done Koalas!
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday,
The Year 1 team.