Year 1

Friday 24th February 2023
What a wonderful start to a new half-term!
In maths this week, we have been looking at grouping by 10. The children enjoyed grouping practically and solving problems. We set up a ‘Tens Shop’ where all items were sold in packs of 10.
In English, we have started reading a new book ‘Man on the Moon’. This links really nicely to our history topic of learning about the first man on the moon. Koala class have amazed the adults with their knowledge of space already and are excited to learn more.
Last half-term, our PE unit was to create our own dance. Today, the whole school went to the hall for a ‘Dance Off’. It was absolutely brilliant and the Year 1 children were AMAZING! Well done Koalas.
I have set a new reading book for the children this week. We are really enjoying the new challenges that these books are providing and I know the children will be excited to read them with you.
Please can all children bring their WELLIES into school on Monday. We are looking forward to having an author come into visit and we will be going outside so all children will need to be in sensible footwear. Thank you.
Have a great weekend.