Year 1 Blog - 17.11.23

Good afternoon,
We hope you are all keeping well and well doyen Owls for all your hard work and achievements this week.
This week in Phonics we have been continuing to learn alternative spellings including split digraphs these include; a-e as in snake, i-e as in time, o-e as in home, u-e as in cute and yoo as in rude. Please help your child to spot these in books.
Our new tricky words are; Mr, Mrs, Ms, ask, could, would, should, our. Again, please help your child to read and spot these. Remember tricky words can not be sounded out.
In English, we have been talking about the main characters in 'The Three Little Pigs', creating a role on the wall. We discussed what they look like and their feelings. The children also had great fun creating their own puppets in readiness to tell their stories to Year R next week. They can not wait!
In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting. We have been identifying the different symbols + -, developing our understanding of adding, the number gets bigger + and subtracting, taking away the number gets smaller. The children have been great at identifying this in isolation however when mixed up can get a little confused. I have set some homework on Edshed for children to practise. We will continue to focus on this next week.
The children have been absolute superstars when practising our nativity and look forward to showing you their hard work in a couple of weeks. Please let me know if you need any help with costumes.
In Science, the children loved exploring the sensory garden and finding different mini-beasts on our bug hunt. We discussed different habitats and recorded our findings. See photos on Instagram!
A little reminder; - Children should bring their school reading book into school daily so we are able to read their current book with them and their library book on a Friday, so they are able to enjoy all the rich texts we have on offer.
Have a lovely weekend
Year 1 Team.