Year 1 - 1.12.23
Good Afternoon and Happy Advent,
A great week in year one and we are super proud of all the wonderful owls. They continue to work hard in the Nativity and their wider learning.
In Phonics, we have been growing the code and revisiting our phonics learnt this half-term (attached is a grow the code, so you can use at home) igh, ie, i, i_e/ ai, ay, a, a_e/ oa, o, o_e/ ee, e, ie, e_e, ea/ oo, ew, u_e, u, ue.
In English, we have been thinking about our favourite toys and describing what they look like. Thank you for sending a photo in this really excited the children and worked as a great stimulus for their writing.
In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Children have learnt the names of the shapes and have been describing their properties. 2D shapes include; square, rectangle/ oblong, circle and triangle. 3D shapes include; cone, cube, cuboid, square-based pyramid, sphere. Vocabulary we used to describe; faces, vertices, corners.
Home Learning - You might like to go on a shape hunt around the house and see what shapes you can find together. Please send a photo of what you find.
Stay warm and look forward to seeing you next week.
Year One Team