Year 1
It was lovely to see everyone at parents evening.
This week we the children were surprised to find a naughty wolf had been messing up our class room! We decided to make Wanted posters to warn the rest of the school about the wolf.
In Maths, we have learning our number bonds to 10 and 20.The children loved dancing to Jack Hartmann’s number bond song.
For phonics we have revised all of the sounds we have learnt this half term.
The children who are currently doing Forest School have one session left and this will be on the Monday after half-term. The rest of the class will start their sessions on Monday 26th February.
We are pleased to tell you we have a trip to Marwell Zoo on Thursday 21st March, the children have bought home letters and I have also attached the letter at the end of the blog.
Have a great half term!
The Year One Team