Year 1 - 11.01.25

Good evening, and wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
It has been a delight welcoming the children back and hearing all about their Christmas adventures. Here's a quick update on what we've been up to this week and what's ahead:
Literacy- This week, we’ve been busy describing dinosaurs, exploring new vocabulary, and sharpening our decoding skills with fictional dinosaurs. Next week, we’ll delve into real dinosaurs! If your child has a non-fiction dinosaur book they’d like to share, please send it in with their name clearly marked.
Maths -Our focus in Maths has been understanding place value for numbers 11–16. The children have explored how many tens and ones make up each number using Numicon. There’s a poster attached to this blog to show you what Numicon is, and I’ve also set some related home learning activities on EdShed: Click here.
Phonics - We’ve been reviewing last term's phonemes and digraphs and learning some new ones: y (as in happy) , ea (as in head), wh (as in wheel) , oe (as in toe) Our new tricky words are any, many, again. These were sent home on Wednesday, so please continue to practise them.
PSHE - In Jigsaw lessons, we’ve been discussing hopes and dreams. The children have shared thoughtful goals about what they want to improve and how to achieve it.
Home Support - Little and often makes a big difference! Please continue reading regularly, practising tricky words and practising Maths fluency cards.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 1 Team