Year 1 - 17.01.25

Good afternoon,
We've had a fantastic week in Year 1! Here's a snippet of what we have been up to!
Maths: This week, we’ve been exploring numbers 11-20, focusing on how to break them down into tens and ones. The children have been using Numicon, cubes, and bead strings to understand number bonds to 10. Please continue practising at home. I have set some home learning on The children have also really enjoyed during our Maths learning, here you can set one more and less games.
English: We've been researching dinosaurs and writing about them, practising key sentence skills like finger spaces, capital letters, and full stops. We’re also working on using adjectives to make our writing more interesting. Thanks for sending in the children's dinosaur books – they’ve really enjoyed sharing them!
Phonics: This week, we’re learning the sounds y (fly), ow (snow), j (giant), ph (phone), and our new tricky words: who, whole, where, and two. Encourage your child to spot these in their reading and practice tricky word games at home.
Art: We’ve been exploring the work of artist Clare Young, focusing on patterns and detail in her work.
Geography: We’ve been discussing weather, our favourite types, and how different weather makes us feel.
- Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit at school every day.
- If someone different is picking up your child (whether permanent or one-off), please notify the office via the blue slip or email/phone call for safeguarding purposes.
- Ensure your child is wearing the correct school uniform, including shoes.
Home Learning: Fluency cards have been checked this week. If your child is ready for a new card, they’ve received one (many children had misplaced their old one). Please ensure they can recall these fluently without resources.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend!
Best regards,
The Year 1 Team