Year 1- 24.01.25

Good evening, a fun, but busy week of learning in year 1. Here’s what we have been up to;
Maths - This week, we've been learning about numbers 11-20! Using a number line, we've explored finding one more or less and compared numbers with the crocodile and equals symbols. Check out the attached sheet to support learning at home.
English - Our imaginations have been running wild as we designed our very own dinosaurs! Next, we’ll use these creations to write fact files packed with fun details.
Phonics - This week’s sounds: le (bubble), al (final), c (mice), and ve (give). Tricky words: school, call, different, ask.
Jigsaw (PSHE) - We’ve been discussing goals and dreams and learning how teamwork helps achieve them. The children shared fantastic ideas like taking turns, listening, and compromising.
This term, we’ve practised logging on and shutting down laptops properly. We’ve also explored sorting games to sharpen our organization skills.
Handwriting - We continue to practise letters already learned. Optional handwriting sheets are attached for extra practice.
Home Learning Reminder
- Read little and often – school or eBooks via Collins Hub.
- Tricky words
- Check out Edshed for maths and spelling games.
- Practise Maths fluency cards regularly.
Thank you for your ongoing support, have a lovely weekend.
Best regards,
The Year 1 Team