Year 1 - Week 4 - 28.9.18

Year 1 - Week 4 - 28.9.18
This week in maths we have been looking at one more than, one less than and equals to. To help your child at home, you may like to use objects to have a go at this together, encouraging the children to use the appropriate language. Yesterday we started looking at number bonds to 10. To help your child become more secure, ask them to arrange 10 objects in a variety of different ways.
In English this week, we have been looking at forming our letters correctly and writing sentences that include a full stop, capital letter and finger spaces between words. As much practise of this at home would be greatly appreciated. We are also trying to encourage children to write using cursive, joined up writing. We are working through each letter and its formation slowly, so are not expecting fully cursive straight away, but it is something that we are working towards so that it is automatic and embedded by Christmas.
As always, please read as much as possible with your child at home. In Year 1, we focus much more on comprehension and discussing what has been read, so please ask your child questions on the book and what they have found out in it. Key word fluency will really help with this.
You should have received a letter about our forthcoming Marwell Zoo visit. Please ensure that the slips are returned by the date stated on the letter, giving consent and requesting lunches if needed.
Many thanks and have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Lindsey