Year 2
Year 2 - 23.11.2018
We had a lovely start to the week with so many grandparents and family members coming to join us in year 2. Thank you so much for taking the time to come in – it was a great morning and we thoroughly enjoyed showing you our knowledge of the Titanic.
This week in year 2 we have finished exploring Titanic using different sources such as the internet and non-fiction books to gather facts and write a newspaper report. We will be continuing our Titanic topic next week but will be moving on to looking at the Titanic from the point of view of a fictional mouse called Samson.
In maths we are focussing on multiplication. At this stage in the year we are looking at the 2’s, 10’s and 5’. We had a great lesson today where we used our knowledge of the 2 x tables to solve reasoning and problem solving tasks. Great work year 2!
On Thursday we had our whole school poppy day. Each class was split into 6 groups and mixed with children from different year groups. We spent the morning rotating around the different classes, completing a total of 3 very different art activities all linked to remembrance. We were also lucky enough to have Nick Sanders from the Historical Society come and visit. We were treated to a brilliantly interesting assembly by him. A great morning was had by all.
I hope you al enjoy the weekend – keep practising those nativity lines!
Miss Blick.