Year 2

Year 2 - 30.11.2018
This week in maths we have been focussing on division. The children have used concrete objects to share a variety of quantities equally. We have also used and drawn our own pictorial representations to help us work out an answer.
In English we are using a book called ‘Samson’s Titanic Journey’. This is the tale of a mouse who boards the Titanic with the hope of finding a new life in America. Before finishing the book we spent time predicting what Samson could get up to on the Titanic. It was great to see the children using their knowledge of the facilities on the board. We have since written questions for Samson and then answered them in role. It was brilliant to hear the children using specific informaiton from the book in order to answer the questions.
We are very much looking forward to testing our own boats next week (see note in home learning book). If you have any queries or concerns about making these at home please let me know.
Have a good weekend.
Miss Blick