Year 2
Year 2 - 22.03.2019
This week in maths we have been describing position and movement using mathematical language. We have become robots and followed our partner’s instructions. We have also worked in groups to program the movements of a Beebot. We have ended the week by solving a variety of direction problems. Great work year 2.
This week in English we have been focussing on poetry. We have used two poems about cities to inspire us when writing our own. We have then begun planning our own poems about Brockenhurst. We went on a senses walk in and around the school grounds and have written some beautiful descriptions which have helped us plan our own poems.
In science we have chosen 4 different surface types to test our explorer vehicles on next week. We have used our knowledge of these surfaces and our designs to make predictions about which surface our vehicles will travel the furthest on.
It was lovely to see so many of you at the SATS parent information evening, I hope you found it useful. I have attached a copy of the PowerPoint to this post.
Have a great weekend.
Miss Blick