Year 2 - 27.09.2019
Year 2 - 27.09.2019
This week we have written our own adventures for Adri the fish. We have been very impressed with how hard the children have worked on their stories and when prompted to edit or improve they have done so wonderfully. Well done! We have also focussed on tenses this week and making sure we are writing in the correct tense.
In maths we have been adding ten more and ten less to any number. We have used our knowledge of counting in tens and we know that only the tens digit will change when adding or subtracting tens. We have used a range of resources such as dienes, number lines, pictures etc and are working on being able to work these out fluently and mentally.
In history this week we have had some mystery photographs appear. We have explored these in detail and used our current understanding to discuss and record where we think it is, when was it taken and who is in the pictures. There was a great discussion about the pictures in class with children giving well thought out responses.
Home learning is live! All children have their login details glued into their reading diary. The current home learning is due to be complete by next Wednesday.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Blick.