Year 2
Year 2 - 11.10.2019
I can’t believe we are at the end of another week! It has been a wet and windy end but the children did manage to get outside during the dry spells.
In maths this week we have been looking at place value and identifying the tens and ones in a two digit number. We have used our dienes to show this and then represented this in a bar model or part whole model. We were really pleased with how well the children did with this – great work! At the end of the week our focus shifted to measure. We have been measuring and comparing lengths (in cm) and making sure we are measuring carefully. Next week our measure topic will take us on to money. In preparation for this it would be great if the children could familiarise themselves with different coins and their value – playing shops or helping you pay for things.
In English we have written our own instructions in the same style as ‘How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth’. We discussed how the story was funny and was made to entertain people and make them smile. We therefore had to make sure our instructions were funny to! We have had some amazing ideas, such as: ‘How To Walk A Penguin’ or ‘How To Feed A Cheeky Monkey’. We have been really concentrating on using our fully stops and capital letters and including adverbs which we have recently learnt about.
***If anyone has any unwanted shoe boxes please can we have them for a project we are completing during Autumn 2.***
The class were very excited about tonight’s school disco! We hope they have a lovely time and that you all enjoy the weekend.
Miss Blick