Year 2
Year 2 - 25.10.2019
We have had a great final week of this half term. Luna came to visit our classroom this week. The children asked Mrs Gale lots of questions and were very gentle and kind to Luna, remembering what we had been taught in the Dogs Trust assembly. We look forward to spending more time with her over the coming weeks.
This week we finished our animal fact files. The children worked very hard to use the facts that they had gathered and put these into descriptive sentences.
We have continued exploring money in maths and have been working on solving questions where there is more than one possible answer. For example: ‘If I pay 20p for some sweets, what different coins could I use’? The class used the coins in the classroom to work our many different ways to make different amounts of money.
Today we had our annual Maths Olympics. We had brilliant fun in the hall completing an obstacle course and answering maths questions. We also awarded extra points for great sportsmanship – we were very impressed with all the children.
The children have all been sent home with letters about our upcoming trip to SeaCity Museum in Southampton. We are very much looking forward to this! Please can you complete and return the form after half term.
It was great to see so many of you at parents evening this week and share how your children have settled into year 2. As always, if you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to catch me at home time or email to make an appointment.
***Please note the nativity dates are Monday 9th December (PM performance) and Tuesday 10th December (Evening Performance).***
Have a wonderful half term.
Miss Blick.