Year 2 - Home Learning 23.03.2020
Year 2 Home Learning - 23.03.2020
Good Morning
I hope you have enjoyed the weekend. Please see below your home learning for today. You can complete the activities in any order.
Subject Area |
Time Allocated |
Instructions |
Mental Maths |
15 mins |
Answer these questions in your home learning book. Remember to read each number sentence carefully and use drawings to help you if needed:
6 x 10 = 24 + 30 = 89 – 5 = ½ of 8 = ¼ of 12 = 4 x 5 = 12 ÷ 2 =
Maths Lesson |
45 mins |
Complete the activity cards attached. You can write the answers in your home learning book. Are you able to write division number sentences for the arrays too? |
30 mins |
Look at this picture: Answer these questions:
Please write in full sentences and use your phonics mat and common exception words to help spelling. Suggested sentence starter: I think the dragon is friendly because…..
Spelling |
15 mins |
Practise your spellings on spelling shed: Your spellings this week are: Donkey Key Monkey Chimney Valley Trolley Journey Turkey Jockey Kidney We are adding ‘ey’ to the end of words and it is making an ‘ee’ sound. |
Reading |
15 mins |
Read your book with a parent/sibling/teddy. After reading try to recall the events from the story in the right order. Use your reading book to help you if needed. |
Geography |
30 mins |
Think about our under water sea creatures we created. Which ocean does your creature live it? Draw a picture of your creature and tell me why you have chosen that ocean. A PowerPoint is attached to this blog post to help you remind you of the oceans. You could also listen to the song about oceans that we use in class -
PE |
30 mins |
Take part in today’s live workout by Joe Wicks: |