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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2 - Home Learning 26.03.2020

Year 2 - Home Learning 26.03.2020

Good evening 

I hope you are all well.  Please find details for tomorrow's home learning. 

Any queries, please let me know. 

Miss Blick 

Subject Area

Time Allocated


Mental Maths

15 mins

Complete the activity on Mathletics:


Maths Lesson

45 mins

L.O: To understand odd and even numbers.   

Please complete the attached sheet and record the answers in your book.

Remember even numbers are those that are in the 2 times tables and can be shared into 2 equal groups.

When problem solving you may need to draw the numbers to help you.



45 mins

L.O: To write a story.

Look at this picture:

 Use your story map from yesterday to write a story for the girl and the dragon in the picture. Make sure you have a clear beginning, middle and end.

Take your time, there is no rush. We will be using tomorrow’s session to finish and edit.

Here is a success criteria to help you (all of this has been taught and your child should be able to incorporate them into their writing):

  • Write your story in the past tense and use the ‘ed’ suffix – jumped not jumpt.
  • Use conjunctions: and, or, but, so, when, if, because, that.
  • Use expanded noun phrases to describe: ‘the huge, scary dragon’
  • Use adverbs: friendly, slowly, quickly etc
  • Use different sentence starters.



15 mins

Complete the attached worksheet.  If you are unable to print then you could just view online and write the answers in your home learning book.


15 mins

Re-read a book (or part of a book) you have read before.  This may be your school reading book or a favourite book you have at home.  Re-reading will help you fluency.   


45 mins

Tune in to today’s PE session with Joe Wicks (30 minutes):

Take part in a yoga session on Cosmic Kids.  The below link is for a penguin themed one, but you can choose whichever one you think you would enjoy the most.