Year 2 - Home Learning
Year 2 - Home Learning 20.04.2020
Good evening!
I hope you are all staying well and had a lovely Easter. I also hope you have been spend some time enjoying the beautiful weather we are having. Please see below the details for tomorrow’s home learning. Any questions, please let me know.
Miss Blick
Subject Area |
Time Allocated |
Instructions |
Reading |
15 mins |
Read your reading book (or one from Oxford Owl). Re-read any parts that don’t quite make sense. Tell someone in your house what the story was about. Were there any parts you did not like? What was your favourite part?
Mental Maths |
15 mins |
Answer these questions in your Home Learning book: 24 + 60 = 10 x 2 = 7 x 10 = ½ of 12 = 2/4 of 8= 9 x 5 = 73 – 6 = |
Maths |
45 mins |
L.O: To add two digit numbers. Complete the attached sheet on addition. This includes some fluency questions and problem solving. Use your knowledge of tens and ones to help you work out the answers. |
Spellings |
15 mins |
Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed. This week we will be working on some of our common exception words. Make sure you practise reading them too! Last Past Father Class Grass Pass Plant Path Bath Hour |
Writing |
30 mins |
L.O: To make inferences. This week’s unit is based on ‘The Silent Red Book’, a copy of which can be found inline using this line: Today we will be looking at different images from the book and thinking about what we can see and what the images may tell us. Use the table attached to record your responses for each image. |
Geography |
1 hour |
L.O: To explore our local area. Record in your book all that you know about Brockenhurst. What might you find if you went on a walk in Brockenhurst? Are there shops? Animals? You could draw this as a map of Brockenhurst or draw and label different pictures.