Year 2 - Home Learning
Year 2 - Home Learning 11.06.2020
Good afternoon.
I hope you have all had a good day and manage to avoid getting caught in these showers! Please see below the home learning for tomorrow.
Best wishes
Miss Blick
Subject Area |
Time Allocated |
Instructions |
Mental Maths |
10 mins |
Complete the set activity on Mathletics.
Maths – Counting |
5 mins |
Practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
Maths |
45 mins |
L.O: To use number bonds to 100. Complete the attached sheet. You should by now be developing some fluency in the recall of your number bonds – use this knowledge to help with the problem solving. You can always draw pictures or use some objects around your home to help you too.
Handwriting |
15 mins |
Please use your booklets to complete 15 minutes of handwriting practise. Don’t forget your lead-ins and take your time!
Reading |
15 mins |
Re-read one of your favourite books from home. Draw a new front cover for the book – that still matched with the content of the story. |
Writing |
30 mins |
L.O: To use commas in a list. Please see attached activity.
Art |
1 Hour |
Find a piece of art you like around home or online (you could even choose a favourite photograph that you have). I would like you to take a look at the art and then copy it into your own frame (use above template). You do not need to copy the colouring, you could experiment with changing the colours of different objects.