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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2 - Home Learning

Year 2 - Home Learning 24.06.2020

Good afternoon 

I hope you are all well. Please find attached your home learning for tomorrow. 

Have a good day :-) 

Miss Blick

Subject Area

Time Allocated


Mental Maths  

15 mins

Answer these questions in your Home Learning book:

20 ÷ 2 =

12 x 2 =

20 ÷ 5 =

8 x 5 =

6 x 60 =

60 ÷ 10 =

2/4 of 28 =



45 mins

L.O: To know the 5 times tables.

A video about the 5 times tables can be found using this link:

Please complete the attached sheet.



15 mins

Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.

This week we are working on words ending in ‘il’.

Pencil       Fossil

Nostril      Pupil

April         Gerbil

Lentil        Evil

Anvil         Basil



15 mins

Read your reading book (or one from Oxford Owl).  Re-read any parts that don’t quite make sense.



30 mins

L.O: To hot seat a character.

Today you will be writing different questions to ask Woodpecker about the type of story he would like. Remember – questions usually start with: who, what, where, when or how, and they end with a question mark.

After you have written your questions, ask a family member at home if they will read out the questions to you and then you can answer them in the role of Woodpecker.  

Examples of questions:

Where do you want your story to be set?

What problems might there be in the story?

Who else will be in the story with Woodpecker? 



30 mins

L.O: To learn about The Lord’s Prayer.

Our vicar, Simon, has uploaded another worship for us to take part in.

Please use this link: 

Write The Lord’s Prayer into your books, using pictures to help you remember it and understand what each part means.



30 mins

Joe Wicks:
