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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2 - Home Learning

Year 2 - Home Learning 06.07.2020

Good evening 

I hope you are all having a good weekend, despite the wind and rain! Please see below the home learning for Monday. 

Best wishes

Miss Blick

Subject Area

Time Allocated


Mental Maths  

15 mins

Practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on hit the button:

You could also practice your recall of number bonds and doubles/halves.

Becoming fluent in these areas really does support our maths learning.



45 mins

L.O: To tell the time – o’clock and half past.

This week we will be recapping what we have learnt about telling the time. We will them move onto telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes.  

Today is focusing on o’clock and half past. Here is a video to help you recap if needed:



15 mins

Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.

Continue to work through the year 2 common exception words. Make a note of the ones you find tricky to spell and practise these.



15 mins

Read your reading book out loud. Tell someone at home what happened in the story, making sure it is sequenced in the right order.



30 mins

L.O: To use possessive apostrophes.

Read the attached spell sheet.

Create your own sentences to add to the poem from Macbeth, keeping with the same style. Don’t forget to include a possessive apostrophe.

Try to make them rhyme like the poem does, if you can.



30 mins

L.O: To explore Rwanda.

Can you name all of the continents we have been learning about? If not, listen to the continents song!

We will spend the next few weeks learning about Rwanda and then compare to Brockenhurst. See the attached activity sheet for today’s activity.